September, 2017

2 min read

The Elephant House Cafe

Hey-o!  I’m Michelle, a Calgary-based photographer, web designer and corporate escapee. Following my feet and exploring the world — one photo at a time.


So it’s probably obvious by now, I’m not the most consistent blogger. I always have a list of topics in mind, but it never makes it from my brain to the screen. The best ideas come just before I fall asleep and although I do remember it in the morning, it’s not top of mind to write it down. At this point, it’s not because I don’t want to – it’s simply that I don’t prioritize it.

When I think of blogging I think I have to have the perfect topic and have a specific point to it – as I do with all my photos and basically, everything I do in life. But with blogging it’s a bit more difficult because I share a little of myself, which I’ve never found easy to do. However, writing, is much easier to do than saying it out loud.

But I digress.

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I’m sitting in The Elephant House. My travel companion has left me for a spell and I have the morning to wander. So I decided to seek out the birth place of Harry Potter – the place where JK Rowling came to sit, have coffee, look out at the castle and write about Harry and his friends. She sat down and wrote. So I’m sitting down to write. Am I getting good writing vibes and are the juices flowing? No. But what I’m asking away: just sit down and write. The more I do it, the better and easier it will become.

So what do I think about The Elephant House?

I almost didn’t come because of the reviews I read online. It was inconsistent – the food is good, the food is bad. The coffee is good, the coffee is bad. It’s overpriced! It’s crowded! Too many tourists!

Honestly, I like it here. There are many tourists yes, but what can you really expect? It’s JK Rowling. It’s Harry Potter. Heck, it’s how I came too. But I think some of it is overhyped. You expect a lot, but it’s just a humble little coffee shop with a great view of the castle, good coffee and homemade-style food. You will always have to contend with the tourists crowd. Thankfully, I came around 9am and beat the rush. There’s a line up outside the door now and I feel a little bad that I’m taking up a table for 4 all by myself, but at the same time, I’m sitting right at the entrance while I’m writing with my coffee and toast so I think I’m adding to the ambience. I look like a local and perhaps I’m busy creating a masterpiece of my own!

I should leave my autograph behind. 🙂


@ Lake Louise


The Sleepy Koala &
Two Thumbs Wildlife Conservation


Bubblicious Winters
@ Abraham Lake


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