January, 2017

2 min read

Hello world!

Hey-o!  I’m Michelle, a Calgary-based photographer, web designer and corporate escapee. Following my feet and exploring the world — one photo at a time.

Yes, this is a real post. I felt it was fitting as it’s always the first example post from WordPress and other blogging sites. It’s also what you output as your first message when you begin to code – the feeling that you get when you can put in a strange combination of symbols and letters out spits ‘Hello world!’ over and over again. Different colours, different sizes, and – huzzah! – different positions on the screen!

So it’s fitting.

I’ve also started many blogs, but none of them stuck around. This ‘Hello World’ post would often sit in drafts and never see the publishing light of day. But this will. This one will make it out into the world and whether or not anyone sees it, it’s out there.

Writing a diary or a journal was never something I could keep up with, so of course, blogging wasn’t much different. I’d rather think of this as a photo journey – a place to share photos and memories as I move about in life. And there are so many photos to share and what my daily Instagram scrolling has proven – we can take the same photo with the same angle, but the moment that it’s taken is different for everyone and, in essence, is a different picture.

Perhaps that’s why I love photography, why anyone loves photography. It’s also why taking photos for others gives me such joy. Capturing that candid moment – mid-laughter, mid-embrace – it says so much.

So here’s to a photo journal. And I promise to myself, it isn’t an outlet for complaint, but of learning; nor of brash words, but of thoughtful givings.


@ Lake Louise


The Sleepy Koala &
Two Thumbs Wildlife Conservation


Bubblicious Winters
@ Abraham Lake


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